Saturday, April 23, 2005

Separated at birth?

Presented without further comment.

Joseph Ratzinger is sworn in and becomes Pope Benedict XVI

Senator Palpatine is sworn in and becomes Emperor Darth Sidious I


  1. Thanks Erin! And thanks for being the very first person to leave a comment on my new blog.

  2. I think you should send these pictures to Jack Chick. He would definitely take them seriously, maybe have Jack Carter draw them for a tract to "prove" that the Catholics are The Dark Side. I don't deny Chick this truth, but unfortunately Chick is also on the Dark Side. Have you seen some of what Chick does on his anti-catholic tracts? Very similar.

  3. Whoops: add a "p" on the end of that address.

  4. Anonymous4:41 PM

    George Lucas may be the true Prophet, but Joss Whedon is my Master now. :-)

  5. I dare you to make a joke in this fashion about Muhammad

  6. Anonymous12:06 PM

    That is scary!

  7. I didn't read your whole blog, but THIS was hysterical! Thanks for the chuckle!

  8. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Teh Popezez

    That's all I have to say.

  9. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Only difference between the two is The Pope THINKS he has a connection to an extraordinary being but he doesnt. but if you said to sidious face to face: ''You are a fraud! And Force doesnt exist!..' He would fry you. Wow. He would fry you so bad even a handless vader couldnt help ye.
